What is the difference between Physics and Science (Physics)? 'O' Level 2024 comparison.

Parents would ask about the differences between pure sciences and combined sciences every year. Some tutors or other experienced parents would often say that there are not many differences between the two subjects, i.e. there are a few topics lesser in the combined science, or combined science questions are less difficult. The truth is that there are many subtopics and learning objects that are covered by the pure sciences but absent in the combined science.

The below information shows the differences in the content that are being tested. The annotations are quite obvious so I shall not comment on every image.

The comparison between the schemes of assessment 6091 (2024) and 5086/ 5087/ 5088 (2024)

Explanation to my annotations

Topic 1: Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement

Topic 2: Kinematics

lim hwee choo

I am a full time educator in Singapore specializing in math and science related subjects as well as assisting students with differentiated modes of learning. 


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