Data handling and analysis

  • simple concepts in collecting, classifying and tabulating data

  • analysis and interpretation of:

    - tables

    - bar graphs

    - pictograms

    - line graphs

    - pie charts

    - dot diagrams

    - histograms with equal class intervals

    - stem-and-leaf diagrams

    - cumulative frequency diagrams

    - box-and-whisker plots

  • purposes and uses, advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of statistical representations

  • drawing simple inference from statistical diagrams

  • explaining why a given statistical diagram leads to misinterpretation of data

  • mean, mode and median as measures of central tendency for a set of data

  • purposes and use of mean, mode and median

  • calculation of the mean for grouped data

  • quartiles and percentiles

  • range, interquartile range and standard deviation as measures of spread for a set of data

  • calculation of the standard deviation for a set of data (grouped and ungrouped)

  • using the mean and standard deviation to compare two sets of data