My teaching PHILOSOPHY
From my many years of experience, i have come to believe that every student has the ability to learn and succeed academically, even if they have some learning differences. The key to their success is how these students are being groomed, and the way they are being instructed in classes.
I also believe that every student learn differently, hence if they were not performing optimally, it is possible that they are not taught in their favored method of learning, or that they were not well engaged enough and poorly motivated towards learning. Hence, i have been paying much attention trying to teach students in a multi modal approach so that i can provide more to different students.
My teaching goals
My teaching goals has always been realistic and student orientated. They are:
- To encourage students to think in a multidimensional manner to derive solutions to problems.
- To teach students a proper mindset towards learning.
- To ensure students who need help in their learning get good quality support for their learning process.
- To ensure students are well prepared for national examinations
- To encourage and nurture students into thinking individuals for the future.
my teaching strategies
The type of strategy used varies from student to student according to their profile. The over arching principle for every lesson is to engage the students as much as possible with a multi-modal approach within the constraints of time and requirements.
We encourage students to develop as thinking individuals, deep questioning techniques are employed to build the student's ability to think and relate in a multi-dimensional manner within the context of the subject matter. Hence, we do not deliver our classes in a direct spoon feeding manner to our students.
My students
My students are usually mainstream secondary students from different social classes with varying learning needs. I mostly cater to slower learners as well as students with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who needs a different approach to learning. Beside that, i also have lessons that cater for learners who prefer a more challenging lesson. In such a situation, students can choose to learn the subject matter in advance.
Just some examples of what i do for my students
Case 1: Hands on learning
Learn to balance chemical equation the hands on way
While there are many ways to teach a concept, i find it the most effective if students are allowed to participate in the learning process. The process may be more time consuming, but it is quite worth it. As the above photo, the students are allowed to learn to write chemical formulae of compounds with the manipulatives as well as balancing the chemical equations. This works well for students who need more processing time and visualisation to learn.
Learning 3 Dimensional shapes by seeing and feeling it literally
What can be better than seeing the object right in front of you. You feel it and then relate to the shape you see in the worksheet.
I use this with students who cannot relate well to 3D shapes. Rather than having students to look at the diagram and trying to visualise it in their head (which is really difficult for them), i show the 3D shapes and their respective net so that they can learn to associate with the information that is taught in the textbooks and worksheets.
Case 2: Structured learning
Customised structured learning materials
For students who need to learn in a step by step manner with a lot of practice, i have a series of resources and method of teaching such that the students will maximise their ability to learn in a relatively confident and stress manner. The lessons are taught according to a set of curriculum objectives. However, to make sure the student can progress at his/ her level effectively together with the peers, the student will be prescribed work that is customised according the student's needs. At the end of the program, the student should be able to be on the same level or even be better than the peers.
case 3: examination simulation
When given sufficient time and feedback from students, i will have timed assessments during classes to prepare students for exam conditions. This is especially vital for students with anxiety and time management issues. Generally, we track the learning objectives that cannot be fulfilled by the student, the amount of time the student is short of, the types of mistake the student make, revision pattern made by student and characteristic behavior ( depends on the profile of the student) during examination practice.
Case 4: the mental welfare of students
In Singapore, students can get overly stressed over examinations. From past experience, i have realized that students who are emotionally affected do not perform as well as in school as their counterparts who are relaxed and well prepared. I advocate that students do their best throughout the year by being well prepared. Parents should also recognise their child's effort and avoid exerting undue stress on themselves and their child. ( Of course, if students were goofing around through the year, i will agree that they deserve some form of lecturing from their parents).